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I give my pledge, as American, to save and faithfully to defend from waste,

the natural resources of my country -

it's air, soil and minerals, it's forest, waters and wildlife.



Gun Ranges

The gun ranges at RCC are reserved for members only.


What is conservation?......a careful preservation and protection of something; planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect; the preservation of a physical quantity during transformations or reactions.

The largest benefit of membership at Ravenna Conservation Club is the satisfaction of knowing you are part of the solution. As a group, we can pool our resources to protect the wildlife and habitat of Michigan. Let your voice be heard in protecting hunting & fishing rights and the ability to manage the state's natural resources to keep them.


Our youth are the future. The investment we make in them will be returned 10-fold.

Michigan United Conservation Clubs

Ravenna Conservation Club is an affiliate of Michigan United Conservation Clubs. All RCC members are automatically signed up as members of MUCC. Please explore the MUCC to see the opportunities across this Great State to be involved in keeping and improving our natural resources.


Discounts available to RCC members:

  • $# off all RCC events
  • ##% off all purchases at Dunham's